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Thursday, December 25, 2014

Joy Cometh

By Carly Pete

So, it’s about forgiveness?

After submitting my first blog to this publication, I checked in on Facebook where I read a post from a friend about a St. Louis, Missouri police officer, so happens he’s black, saying he witnessed racism firsthand while on that city’s police force which caused him to resign after five years…an eyewitness account from a police officer regarding the Ferguson grand jury decision.  I paused. The friend who shared the post is a white male human being, the husband of a friend from church. We three share a mostly virtual acquaintance: we share information we care about on Facebook; we read.

And now, I write; I’ve begun a conversation with you.

Before signing out of Facebook that night, I saw a photo shared by another friend, someone I hadn’t seen in a while who hadn’t posted anything on Facebook for months. She looked fantastic! We distanced ourselves from each other last year. I clicked “like” on the post.

Instantly, I was overcome with emotion, ready to let bygones be bygones.

Ten days later, before she and I could reconcile, I learned through a Facebook post on her page that Carolyn passed away from complications with a medical procedure, ending her life abruptly.  Her family was devastated, and I, inconsolable. Reaching out to my adult sons in a private Facebook chat, I asked where they believed the energy and life force of a loved one goes when the body dies so suddenly. Michael and Lawrence, oldest and middle sons, allowed their younger brother Christopher to respond. Mike, my second husband, Christopher’s dad, passed away four years ago. Christopher wrote: “The energy goes through us and still lives through.  That inspired thought, or coming inspired actions, that “spirit” is what inspires because it has been implanted in you and everyone she’s touched.”

Everyone she’s touched…he was empathizing with me by gently reminding me he knows the pain of a sudden loss, too, their dad. Instantly, I’m reminded of the sacredness of my sojourn, of the amazing people whose lives have touched mine. I remember the joy, bask in it, and let it flow.

About Carly Pete: Carly, a 2013 graduate of Salem College, earned B.A. degrees in Communication and Creative Writing. She resides in Winston-Salem, where she works as a communication consultant, lyricist and writer.

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