Saturday, June 29th ...
As you can tell from the pictures below, children are encouraged to dress up and red, white and blue. Patriotic music will be playing and the children can march, walk or ride around the town hall courtyard, following behind the 4th of July Parade Queen.
... is the annual community children's parade. Miss Mary's Children's Parade was designed to provide a patriotic opportunity for pre-school and younger grade school children to participate in a holiday parade. While Kernersville has an exceptional, historic July 4th parade, the length of the route is a little long for younger children. Mary Mullinax developed a children's parade in the courtyard of town hall specifically for younger children.
The children's parade is hosted by the Kiwanis Club of Kernersville. It starts at 9 AM and is free to the public.
Parents are welcome to parade around with their children, or just get out their camera for some memorable pictures.
information provided by the Kernersville Chamber of Commerce