Have you noticed this very cool weather forecaster on the right side of this column? It's actually one of my favorite widgets on this blog, because the picture changes as the weather does. The sun rises and sets, the leaves have changed color, the sky is accurate, when it's windy the brush in the foreground sways. Today, as you can see, it's a clear Carolina Blue Sky, the leaves have changed to their bright oranges, reds and yellows. And there's a fire in the fireplace. Baby, it's cold outside.
This is my windshield this morning, covered in frost. |
We walk about 1/8 a mile to the bus stop every morning. I check the temperature before we go out the door, and this morning at 7:15 it was 38, so it's actually gotten two degrees colder. Brrrrrrrr.
I'm participating in a
Photo Hunt Challenge, and one of the words to find is "Something Cold". I had that in mind as I grabbed the camera.
There is a church next door to where we live, and I have taken many, many photos of it's steeple. I love the angles in it's architecture, and the Carolina sky has provided many different backgrounds for my photos. We are blessed with an amazing sunrise everyday. Depending on the day, the weather, and the time I see it, the sky is saturated in either beautiful rosy pinks or bright golden yellows. This morning the roof was frost covered, with the sun tinting the steeple a gorgeous pink.
And finally, a ground view of the frost covering the ground, the leaves outlined in a silvery frost.
I think I've got "something cold" taken care of. I'm pretty sure I'm going to go with my frost covered windshield. Or do you think I should go with the frost covered leaf?
It's hard to believe that it's going to be 60 later today, and this weekend we're looking at temperatures approaching 70. It's getting closer to the holidays, and there is lots to do this weekend! Be sure to check this blog for fun family events going on. You'll be able to find a craft fair at almost every corner... be sure to support your local artists and artisans. I'll be at Forest Oaks Country Club (4600 Forest Oaks Drive, Greensboro, NC) with
soulenergy tomorrow from 10am-3pm for their Pre-Holiday Event. All are welcome!
And do your best to shop local!
Enjoy the weekend!